Our Curriculum

Central to what we do at NxtGen Labs is that we believe that children learn much better through play. All our coding & robotics instruction involves games and fun activities that make it easier for children to learn complex computer science and engineering concepts.

We have completely reimagined the learning experience. Our program has no whiteboards, traditional classrooms, no exams/tests. We strive to have students learn by doing and foster collaboration and teamwork among learners. Every week we have learners work on a new concept/project which they present on the weekend to other learners and parents during our demo days. This we feel is a necessary skill for students to learn to communicate and present complex ideas and projects early on.

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Primary School (6-12yo) High School (12-18yo)
Introduction to programming w/Games Being safe online
Introduction to Python
Block Based programming
Introduction to Javascript
Scratch Jr
Drone Design, build and Programming
Robot build and programming
Web Design
Introduction to Robots (LEGO, Vex, Makeblock, DJI)
Mobile App Design & Development
Robot programming with Scratch
Game Development, Roblox
Introduction to Drones
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Drones programming with scratch
Introduction to Machine Learning
Preparing teams to participate in annual international robotics/coding contests

Our curriculum features self-paced learning that eases pressure off the learners and allows them to really get immersed into the lessons.

Group based learning is also another feature central to what we do, learning is more fun when done in groups and teams, this helps the learners refine understanding through discussion and explanation and develop stronger communication skills.Pair learning, where two learners pair up to solve challenges together. This takes the pressure off the student and gives them more time to talk and contribute. It also gives them a sense of achievement when reaching a team goal. Our learning assistants are always available to help learners when a challenge becomes too difficult. Pair swap often which allows learners to socialize and gain better communication and problem solving skills.